Tiles wood effects Landstone outdoor

Tiles wood effects Landstone outdoor | Italiano

Tiles wood effects Landstone outdoor | Inglese

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Landstone outdoor

The elegance of material


DESCRIPTION:  A ceramic stone inspired by limestone surfaces, enhanced and customized with tactile effects that achieve a chromatic balance, making versatile to use. 

SIZES: (not all colours are available for all sizes)

60x120 - 23”5/8x47”1/4

60x90 - 23”5/8x35”7/16

100x100 - 39”3/8x39”3/8

60x60 -  23”5/8x23”5/8 

COLOURS: Raw white - Clay - Taupe - Earth - Gravel - Carbon 

Landstone outdoor Landstone outdoor Landstone outdoor Landstone outdoor Landstone outdoor

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Tiles wood effects Landstone outdoor
CEO USA: Gianluca Genovesi +15129394467 / info@ceramichedesign.com
Sales representative Texas: Ilianna Gonzalez +19657559114 / ilianna.gonzalez@ceramichedesign.com

Via S. Agostino, 6 20811 Cesano Maderno (MB)

+39339.4680865 / info@ceramichedesign.com

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