Porcelain stoneware surfaces

Porcelain stoneware surfaces | Italiano

Porcelain stoneware surfaces | Inglese

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  4. Lounge


Energetic minimalism


DESCRIPTION: Lounge is storytelling transformed into surfaces, countless tales interwoven to form an innovative, original aesthetic language. 

The 5 Lounge colours speak a chromatic language of warmth and trust. The shades are intimate and luminous, expressing the new trends of neutral hues and the vision of habitat as refuge. Lounge is also the perfect surface when used in contrasting colour schemes. Its simple patterning creates tactile continuity and easily embraces a striking modernity.


60x120cm - 24''x48''

100x100cm - 40''x40''

80x80cm - 32''x32''

40x80cm - 16''x32''

60x60cm - 24''x24''

30x60cm - 12''x24''

COLOURS: Pearl - Ivory - Shadow - Steel - Earth

Lounge Lounge Lounge Lounge Lounge Lounge

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Porcelain stoneware surfaces
CEO USA: Gianluca Genovesi +15129394467 / info@ceramichedesign.com
Sales representative Texas: Ilianna Gonzalez +19657559114 / ilianna.gonzalez@ceramichedesign.com

Via S. Agostino, 6 20811 Cesano Maderno (MB)

+39339.4680865 / info@ceramichedesign.com

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